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Crypto project red flags or how to know that it is going to fail

Cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more popular among people across the world. The first successful project was launched in 2009, and has gone a long road since then. As we know, cryptocurrencies are decentralized, and are not a subject to any government or financial control.

Of course, as the popularity of Bitcoin rises, new crypto projects appear. While some of them become successful, others end up failing. There can be many reasons for a project to fail, and sometimes there is not much we can do. However, sometimes there are some big red flags that a crypto project is going to fail. Here are some of the signs you need to avoid when investing in a project, so you can protect yourself from losing money.

Vision of the project

Before you invest in a project, look carefully. Does it have a clear vision, and what is it exactly? Truth is, many crypto projects fail because they don’t have a purpose. And of course, no one can succeed, if he does not know what it is he wants to achieve.

That is why, our first advice is to look for a clear road map and goals of the project. Otherwise, you may end up investing your money in a directionless project, and end up losing your investment. 

The team

The successful crypto project requires an experienced team behind it. The reason is simple - an inexperienced team will hardly be able to build a successful and profitable project. Many mistakes can be made, which will quickly lead to failure. 


The minimum-viable product is an important part of the future success of a crypto project. If the team working on the project hasn't released anything after months, it is possible that they won’t in the future. This is often a red flag that the project won’t be successful, and might even be a scam.

The lack of a working prototype is also a sign of a failure, as it is essential for the team to prove their idea.


If the team only focuses on making money, and not on developing a quality project, this is a huge red flag. We often see developers only looking to make money on the hype and not investing much work in creating an actual working project. 

Hype and expectations

If you look carefully, there are always some signs that a project is about to fail. One of those signs is when the project is too hyped up and there are some unrealistic expectations from it. Of course, this can only lead to disappointments and failure of a project, as well as losses for the investors. 


Lack of transparency and communication is always a red flag. The team must be transparent about everything they do and the progress of the project. Otherwise, it can be a sign that they are not confident in the project and no one can be a hundred percent sure that the project is worth investing in.


It is barely a surprise that scammy marketing tactics are also a very bad sign of a crypto project. We are talking about fake partnerships, unrealistic promises, creating fear and uncertainty among investors, etc. All of these signs should be seen as a good reason not to invest in this project.

When to invest in a crypto project?

Keep in mind that those are only a small part of the red flags you have to look for, before investing in a crypto project. As we always suggest, before you make such an investment, do a good research and of course, never invest more than you are willing to lose.

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